Sunday April 28

Bud's Boys Weekend Update A short week of only 3 days of play, but still, plenty of golf to talk about as we have only 1 playing day of April left. Oh, by the way, only 3 days available for play this week so schedule accordingly. Wrap ups of daily play, Match Play update, SEMO Sr. news and more, but first some more photos by our world traveling paparazzo, Doc. Doc is still in France, this time sending us some looks from Normandy. Like many, I have a fascination with the history of WW II. I can only imagine the aura, the haunting yet revered feeling when you realize the magnitude of the events that took place nearly 80 years ago on the ground you are standing on. Can't wait to hear Doc's take. Doc on Omaha Beach. German Bunker The sacrifice of thousands of very young men, staggering to imagine. SEMO Senior News Bud's Boys sent 9 representatives to the first SEMO Seniors event of the year to defend our home turf of KCC. The group performed remarkably well with 6 of the Bo...