Sunday April 21

Bud's Boys April 16 through 19 Report

Congrats to our newest KCC board member Raymond aka Randy Balsman. Sad that Bill had to step down, but pleased Raymond will fill his golf shoes and continue to give BB's a presence on the future of the club.

Course is closed on Friday so schedule accordingly this week.

Recap of the 4 days of play, an excerpt from the unwritten 'Book of Leroy', and a new entry, 'word of the week'.

Bud's Boys word of the week is 'patience'.

That is the word Mikey used to explain his team's +11 score when compared to the other 4 teams who combined for a minus 46 on Wednesday.

"We just took our time", he explained. "We didn't care how far behind we got or how long the people behind us had to wait, we were patient. I think the results speak for themselves."

Patience? Taking your time? Now I am not sure about how far back this phenomenon goes, but for this past week, it is a fact.

The last group of each day this past week won 11 and a 1/2 of the 20 events contested. Even the non-math majors out there realize that is more than a fair share. Is it those extra few minutes just standing around while everyone else tees off leaving your group all alone that gives you the feeling of 'Why get in a hurry?' or 'Why am I always in the last group?' Do these extra minutes of reflection lower the anxiety level? Hmmm.

These are questions higher than my pay grade can answer. But, if you believe being in the last group can help your chances of winning, by all means let Scotty know and he will surely make accommodations to meet your desires.

Let's get to the daily results!

Tuesday April 16

We had 17 players divided up into 5 teams for Random Skins Day. Dean's birdie on #4 wins the featured event.

Teammate Glen wins the CTP to give the last group 2 of the day's events.

KZ, Mikey, and John win 2 events as they are the only team to finish in the plus range.

Bob is Medalist with +4.

Wednesday 4/17

The aforementioned day of patience pays off for Keith (Medalist +6), Scott +5, Mikey +2, and John. They sweep the FBT with +11 while the other 4 teams finish -5, -15, -17, and -9.

Jeff wins the CTP. Dean turns 2 pair to win the Card Game.

Butch earns 2 cards with this tee shot on 8.

He seemed more pleased to make the putt than hitting the shot.

Thursday 4/18

A 3-way tie for Medalist on 'Medalist Thursday'. Scott, Roger, and Randy all card a +6 to split the honors.

Randy wins the CTP to give the last group of the day 3 1/2 of the 5 events.


Friday 4/19

A condensed version of Rabbit Day (only 9 players) played Friday.

Brandon earns MVP of the day by claiming CTP and Medalist (+3).

The rabbit was not really caught. It was more like picked up on the side of the road as no one seemed to want it. 

A par on 11 won it. 

The biggest choke job ever as my team had the rabbit and 2 legs after 6 holes and STILL COULDN'T WIN!

The Book of Leroy

Leroy is not writing a book (he should), but here are a couple of musings. We have all heard Leroy say, 'How does he do that?" We have also heard him say, "WHY do we do that?" Here are a couple of my thoughts to add to Leroy's list. (Would like to hear some of yours as well.)

Why do we take an extra club for length and then don't take a full swing?

Why do we slow down at impact when putting after a good practice swing?

Related to the previous line. Why do we come up short on 16 straight putts and then act surprised when we come up short on the 17th putt?

Why do we do that? Your thoughts?


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