Wednesday Results Westy and Keith joined the group for the first time this year, giving us 14 players for Wacky Wednesday. Temperature- 56' at tee off, mid 60's by 18 Players took advantage of the super weather conditions by scoring +7 as a group. Toughest holes on the front, 2 & 7, yield 15 while easiest is #4 with 26 (28 points even par). Easiest on back is 18 at 24 points, toughest 11 & 12 with 17. Front Tom, Randy, Rick, and Gary were all plus for the opening 9, earning their only victory of the day. Back and Total Scott, KeyZ, Rodney, and Glen score 7 points on 18 to eke out wins in both B and T. CTP KeyZ wins his 2nd of the year to give his team 3 of the 5 events. Wacky Wednesday Poker Game The winner came down to the 2 teams with the most cards earned. Team Westy with 10 and Tom playing the 12 cards his team amassed. Turning his cards in a most 'interesting' way, Westy filled an ace high club flush with his last card. Tom had several fillers for a full ...