Sunday Jan 8

Friday Results

Players: 12 

Weather: Temperature 46' at tee off. Low 50's at finish. Full sun with only a whisper of wind making it the best playing conditions so far this year.

Event: 5-dollar Friday with the Rabbit in play.

New Blood

Bill makes his 2023 debut and Dennis Bowers makes his first ever BB's appearance. He is our 3rd Dennis and 2nd Dennis B, so until Rodney or someone else gives him a nickname, he will be known in the blog as Denbo. These 2 give us a total of 20 different BB's to play this first week of the season.

Tom gives Denbo the do's and don'ts of BB's (and probably advises him to take the club back a little further) 

Bill hits first drive of the year (and a good one at that)

Front 9     

Butch, Shelly, and Roger play steady enough to win with +2 1/2.

Back 9

18 points from Rick pushed him, KeyZ, and Denbo to a 1/2-point victory.


Tom's game high 36 points, along with a +2 from Leroy allows them to pull Mopey to the finish line in first place.


Denbo wins in his first attempt, a nice shot inside five feet to beat out Shelly. (Thanks a lot Dennis, not) This gives his team 2 wins on the day.


The Rabbit carried over to the Back when team 2 (the only team not to cash) couldn't par 8 to save their birdie on 7. Tom's birdie on 11 wins the 2nd event for his team. More on it later.


Tom and Roger share with +5's.

Fun with Numbers

The scorecard was correct in one instance today. It lists 4 and 18 as the easiest ranked holes and it was true today. 4 yielded a high of 23 points, only 1 over par for the entire group. No. 18 gave up 20, 1 more than 15. Moving the tee box up 50 yards has turned 15 from being one of the toughest to one of the easiest.

No. 8 was toughest on the Front, allowing only 11. Toughest of them all is our old friend 11. Zero pars, 5 bogeys, 6 doubles, and Tom's birdie. That's right Tom, your birdie was overkill, you only needed a par!

Sportsmanship Award

This easily goes to Bill. Due to recent surgery and unfortunate slower than expected recovery, he hasn't been able to join us in several weeks. The good weather was incentive enough to finally get out of the house. Although he didn't hit as many good shots as he would have liked, he continued to stay positive, grateful to be out with the Boys and all that goes with that. An attitude I hope we all can emulate.

Leroy shows off flexibility by doing toe touches

Where my 2nd shot ended after multiple tree hits on 13

Floyd is spotted (by Jeff) in Florida

What it's all about

Clint shows up late after rumor of free beer.


  1. Clint says he cannot play Monday but will show up about beer thirty.


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