
Showing posts from December, 2022

New Year's Eve 2022

Year End Committee Meeting A few BB's gathered Friday to go over any new or old business since golf was not an option. I should start off with the news that we decided not to raise Bud's Boys dues for 2023, as I know some of you were worried about this. They will remain the same rate as 2022, as long as we do not have supply issues. One other issue was passed. A motion was made, "Does anyone object to Leroy buying first round on our return?" The vote was a tie, but Leroy gave Doc his proxy to vote 'no' on any motion thus no carries vote, no one objects to Leroy buying. Other measures considered included letting 4somes tee off first ahead of 3somes to keep us more assembled at rounds end. Not much socializing when one group finishes an hour ahead of the last group. Ready golf will be addressed in future discussions also. Doc also brought up recognition for CTP's won not on consecutive group days, but days when you decide to play (he had 4 in a row spread ou...


 While I am working on Year End Review, please take a look at the pictures posted below. Fellow Kimbeland member Leroy Pulley is moving to an apartment and would like to sell many items in his garage. Take a look and if you are interested in anything contact Leroy Pulley (573-225-2771) or Craig Wilson (579-3852). We had a nice lunch today, wish more could have made it. I am working on last post of the year, should be done over the weekend. Anything you would like to share, just let me know. I believe Raymond has spoken for the bicycle.

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas to All Bud's Boys and Families. Wishing everyone all the Christmas you can handle. Be safe and warm till Mother Nature (and Dusty) allows us back on our happy place. I have heard rumors that Mikey may get back on course soon if Santa brings him what he wished for. And for everyone, I hope you also find what you wished for under your Christmas tree!   HO-HO-HO From Bud's Boys HQ  

Weds Dec 21

  As we brace for Christmas and an Arctic Blast, sit back and take your mind off such things by checking in on your fellow BB's and their Wacky-Wednesday Results. A Baker's Dozen wrapped themselves up and teed off after the frost cleared. Scoring was up for the day as a group, but a closer look at the numbers has me shaking my head. "Oh no" some of you are saying because you know what is coming next. That's correct, it is time for.............. Fun With Numbers! Three of our four teams finished with plus scores. ALL 9 PLAYERS GOT THEIR POINTS OR BETTER! Our last team was a foursome, and ALL 4 FINISHED MINUS! This begs the question, 'Does Misery love company'? Does 1 bad apple spoil the whole bunch? I am not a psychiatrist, nor do I play one on TV, but it's hard to believe this is just a coincidence. Is it just easier for 3 to mesh together than 4? (Lame Psychiatrist jokes to follow)  Any comments from the group would be helpful in solving this mystery....

Tuesday December 20

  Reminder that tomorrow is Wacky-Wednesday with more chances to win (or lose). We were off the cart paths today and likely again tomorrow. No reason not to participate. As Leroy says, "You can't win if you don't play!" So come out before the 'Big Chill' hits. Floyd Alert Another reason to come out Wednesday is to protect the Floyd. Glen edged out Roger for today's CTP by 3 inches. This gives Glen 2 in a row and sets up his chance tomorrow. Don't make it easy, make him work for it. Also, for the 2nd straight day we had a team sweep the FBT. Mikey takes Medalist at +6, 1 ahead of teammate Rick. They tie for most points with 31. Although they squeaked by on the Front by a 1/2 point, their dominance on the back should be noted. They win by 12 1/2 points handicap wise, but also have the most total points though they only have 3 players. Their 47 points top the 4-man team totals of 45 and 44. 

Monday December 19

  We are back after a lengthy weather induced coma to rattle off some BB's news and a wrap up of today's match. Leroy reports that Stan's surgery last Thursday was successful, and we wish him a speedy and comfortable recovery. Rodney was spotted at the Kimbeland Christmas Party yesterday and was reported to be looking well. Very glad to hear as we know he was battling a lingering cold. Clint has completed (in his words) 'Cadillac' surgery in both eyes and will soon be back tracking shots for the rest of us. Personal note to all BB's from Doc as he will not see us till after Christmas. "My elves and I had to take a moment on 13th hole to celebrate this awesome time of the year. Merry Christmas to all Bud's Boys!" Speaking of Doc, last week he presented our cash gift to Dusty and crew, and it was warmly received. Dusty gratefully thanked ALL Bud's Boys for their support. Doc emphasized that we sincerely appreciate Dusty's hard work to help Ki...

Tuesday December 13

  Terrible Tues The course acted like a petulant 2-year-old as many players had trouble controlling today's conditions, resulting in a -17 total for the group. Some questioned what course Rick played today as he soared well above us all with a Medalist best +8 (19 points on Front), 6 strokes clear of the closest pursuer. Teammate Bob's CTP and their victory on the Back earns them 1/2 of today's pot, not to mention several quarters from Raymond in their side game. A pair of 31's from Raymond and Randy, along with a strong Front 9 from Mikey, allows them to cash in the other half. Of course, every day brings new challenges with today's being Raymond losing his phone on the course. He was able to stay reasonably calm at first, but several searches in the usual places did not prove fruitful, so a search party was sent out on the course to back track his movements of the day. Relief, and the phone, were found near the 13th tee box.  The crew triumphantly returned to the ...

Monday December 12

 Just Another Minus Monday With apologies to Gal Group 'The Bangles', we had another minus Monday (replace tune lyrics Manic Monday with Minus Monday) as no team finished plus. Jeff wins his 11th CTP to move into a tie for 2nd on the year.  Co-Medalists Bob and Mikey (+3) lead their squads to victory. After round meal served by Jeff the Chef. We had deer sausage (bought from Tom) and crackers. Leroy brought the beer for the 2nd Monday in a row, this time it was consumed. Any rumblings heard by spouses tonight will not be thunder. Today's event was sponsored by Rick, Randy, Shelly, and Glen as they were the only team not to win anything.

Weekend Wrap-up 12/11

 Bud's Boys Notes and Stuff 12/7 Thru 12/9 Wednesday 12/7 I was only able to post results for Wednesday without comment due to time constraints, so I will toss in a few. Give Key-Z credit for a Medalist best +4, one better than Jeff's +3. Raymond stops Jeff's attempt for a Floyd by edging him out for CTP. Tom, Glen, and KeyZ win poker hand with a flush, our first decent hand since we started. Jeff's team earns 9 cards to no avail. Also received this interesting text. 'It is appropriate that Leroy brought another team down today on Pearl Harbor Day. He has now sunk more teams than the Japs did battleships.'  Ouch! Thursday 12/8 Course closed due to excessive rain. Being in a musical mood as I stared out the window at the falling rain, I couldn't help thinking of all the songs about rain. Here are a few of my favorites. Have you ever seen the rain- CCR Who'll stop the rain- also CCR Rhythm of the rain - The Cascades Very popular in my youth were, Fire and ...