New Year's Eve 2022

Year End Committee Meeting

A few BB's gathered Friday to go over any new or old business since golf was not an option. I should start off with the news that we decided not to raise Bud's Boys dues for 2023, as I know some of you were worried about this. They will remain the same rate as 2022, as long as we do not have supply issues. One other issue was passed. A motion was made, "Does anyone object to Leroy buying first round on our return?" The vote was a tie, but Leroy gave Doc his proxy to vote 'no' on any motion thus no carries vote, no one objects to Leroy buying. Other measures considered included letting 4somes tee off first ahead of 3somes to keep us more assembled at rounds end. Not much socializing when one group finishes an hour ahead of the last group. Ready golf will be addressed in future discussions also. Doc also brought up recognition for CTP's won not on consecutive group days, but days when you decide to play (he had 4 in a row spread out over 8 BB's days). While admittedly impressive, we do not think it as 'manly', so to speak, to do it with the pressure of consecutive days with the group. So, we compromised by recognizing Doc with having accomplished a 'Florence'. Apologies in advance to our female readers.

December Review

We were only able to get 11 days in this month, down 7 from 2021, making it our biggest one month drop. Twenty-three BB's played 119 rounds, about 11 per day. This makes our yearly total 156 as compared to 180 in 2021, down 24. Sixteen of those missed days came in the last 3 months when the precip seemed never ending.

For the year I counted 53 individuals joining the group for the 156 days although 14 played only once or twice. A total of 2114 rounds played, an impressive average of nearly 14 every day we teed off.

Individually, it comes as no surprise that Scott played the most rounds with 151. This included a streak of 90 consecutive appearances from our 'Iron-Man' from Jan. 11 through Aug. 12. Here is the top 20.

Scott     151
Randy   127
Glen      124
Bob       111
Mikey   107
Tom      103
Raymond 102
Doc       102
Leroy      98
Jeff          94
Allen       80
Rick        70
Andy       67
Roger      67
Rodney    64
Westy       61
Clint         55
KeyZ        49
Shelly       47
Brandon    46

We had so many miss time this year due to health issues, ranging from nagging small ones to the serious kind that had us very concerned. Here's to better health and weather for 2023.


Glen added 4 more in December to wrest the crown from 2021 Champ Doc, whose late charge of 5 in December moved him into a tie for 3rd. Top 10 (and ties) below.

1  Glen         16
2  Raymond 12
3t  Doc         11
3t  Jeff          11
5t  Andy       10
5t  Randy     10
7  Leroy         9
8  Clint           8
9  Westy         7
10t Tom         6
10t Scott        6
10t Bob          6

I want to turn the rest of the blog over to something Leroy has shared with me. If you read Golf Digest, this will mostly be old news, but here are excerpts from a very entertaining issue. Some even apply to our group.

Yes, this deals with behavior that no one needs to put up with. In other words, don't be this guy. Leroy put check marks on a few he wanted to share.

Not sure why Leroy checked this one. No one in our group would mislead the wife.

I think he may be poking someone here.

I need to speak to this one. It has been a few years ago that Shelly and I were playing a typical Kimbeland Holiday Scramble. After a not great start and some missed opportunities, I started showing out, thinking I was too good to be playing this ordinary. The disappointment in her words cut deep. She had been looking forward to this day, she had looked forward to a great day with another couple and a good round of golf. As the title above states, I was 'killing' the mood, severely. I was ruining her day and our playing partners. I believe she will tell you I have greatly improved in this department with her since. But what about Bud's Boys? I am not sure I have been the same with the guys. This makes me realize that there is probably someone in my group who was looking forward to playing and I shouldn't be the ass who spoils their day by b'ing and moaning about my precious game. My resolution for 2023 will be to try (we are human after all) to stay positive and contribute to everyone enjoying their round.

Let's face it, we have to enjoy the time we have together. Our group is of the age where every day is a blessing. Let's put others first and let our individual golf fall where it may. 

To drive home my point, I will share some disappointing news. Some of you had already heard that Norm will not renew his membership. This was not a total surprise as Norm played so sparingly this year, and not at all lately. Then I received a call from Andy, sharing the same news. He says he will not disappear and will play some SEMO Senior tournaments. I told him we would always welcome a visit any time he could find the time.

I have said before and will repeat it now that I believe I am a better golfer having played with these men, and I can say I learned more than golf as well. 

The last remaining "Founding Father', Allen is likely (not yet certain) to have back surgery and may miss a good part of the year. So, appreciate what we have.

Now that I have 'killed the mood', let's finish on a lighter note. Here are some excellent golf tips from Leroy's personal golf instructor. Enjoy!


  1. Will really miss Andy and Norm , what a pleasure to play golf with and against them . Like the George Jones song “who’s going to replace them” ? No one .

  2. I have been playing with Andy , Norm and Allen for over 40 years . Want to thank Randy for pointing out the sincere “ blessing “ we all ( Bud’s Boys ) get to experience each time we get to play . I get it . Life is fragile . I am so thankful for such a great bunch of guys ( and girl) to laugh and enjoy . Again - not trying to be to heavy but seems totally appropriate as we we start this new awesome year . Thanks guys. Doc

  3. I enjoyed playing with allen, andy, and norm, I know it's only been 5 yrs. But enjoyed every moment, especially looking at norms feet. Trying to out drive andy, and trying to beet allen at putting. Sure going to miss that.

  4. I would like to thank Norm for the nickname and will miss Andy out driving me.
    Don’t be strangers. Raymond


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