
Showing posts from August, 2022

Weds Aug 31

 Wacky Wednesday Results We played our 18 holes before we chose teams, leaving some with never even knowing who was on their team. The winners knew however and are listed below. Scott's birdie on 11 captured the rabbit for his team and Glen's CTP added to his teams' winnings. Player of the day goes to KeyZ who racked up his 20-point quota in only 10 holes. He finished with 30 points (+10) to take Medalist Honors. Some of Bud's Boys were in Perryville competing in SEMO Seniors, and Jeff was absent because he had to stay home and clean his pool.

Tues August 30

 Large Turnout to Challenge Leroy  Close, but no Cigar Leroy couldn't stave off the 17 other golfers today, as Roger bested him on 18, ending his quest for the 'Floyd'. Brian takes Medalist Honors (+4) and graciously donates his prize to his mailman. Raymond's gang takes all but a few scraps (3-way tie for Back 9) from the prize pool.

Sunday August 28

 Tee Times This Week The course is closed on Friday, so make your plans for Tues., Weds., and Thurs. Weds will be 'Wacky Wednesday' and Thurs will be 5-dollar Thursday. Official Tee Time (all 3 days) 10:06 You know this means be checked in by 9:45. Friday Aug 26 Results Keith marks his second straight Medalist award with a +6 (someone practiced while he was absent from the group), 3 better than Scott. Toss in Leroy's +2 and you have the only 3 golfers out of 17 who finished in a plus position. Keith and Scott's team sweeps FBT. Rabbit We had another statistical oddity with the rabbit on Friday. Each of the 5 teams had 1 and only 1 birdie on the front. Interesting that 3 of said birdies were drained on number 4, canceling out previous bird on 1. That leaves Raymond's deuce on number 6 as today's winner. Floyd Alert! Leroy Knocking at the Door! Leroy's second straight CTP (by a whisker again) puts him in position for a 3rd straight come Tuesday. He becomes the...

Thurs Aug 25

 Thursday Results The first 3 groups all come in hitting very close to their numbers, setting up a close finish of honest golfing. Then here comes Lucky Leroy and his gang of Bob, Tom, and Keith. They blow the field away, including Leroy's CTP, to sweep the field and take all the cash. Keith joins us for the first time in 3 months and earns Medalist with a +5. But the big news is not about who played today, but who did not. Tribute to Jeff In case you didn't hear, we lost Jeff yesterday to a terrible accident, on hole 13. Minding his business while walking to his ball, he fell into a hole never to be seen again. Here is a tribute from our house poet, Doc 'Ogden' Milde, with help from Jeff's best Bud Glen. Here lies brother Jeff Stoll He was doing well till he fell in this hole We heard he took quite a tumble Consequently, there may be a rumble Morgan and Morgan have been called to save face Watch out boys! Kimbeland may soon be called 'Jeff's Place' Okay...

Wednesday August 24

  Weds Results Eleven of 18 players carded plus rounds on another unusually nice August Day. Scott's approach to 2 feet on the second last tee shot of the day snatches the CTP from KeyZ, preventing him from claiming his first of the year 😞. Doc edges Mikey for Medalist +6 to +5. Close behind with strong +4s were Josh, Westy, and Glen. Caption Winner The winning caption was submitted by Norm from Cape Girardeau. He went old-school classic with his entry. "Hey Rodney, pull my finger!" Thursday Tee Time 10:06, Friday 9:10 Leroy says, "See you tomorrow!"

Tues August 23

 Tuesday Results After a tough -5 round today, I am in need of some cheering up. Please turn in your best caption in the comments section for the following picture. Tasteful only, please. Good group of 17showed early and ready. Jeff wins CTP on a deep blue flag today. Roger laps field as Medalist with +8. Very good rounds for KeyZ (+5), Brian (+4), Bob, and Butch (+3).

Monday August 22

 Late Weekend Edition Tee Times, White Kight Friday, Other Tourney Results, and Doc goes to the Ballpark A weekend that included 54 holes of golf (some stressful), Football Friday, a wedding, and normal duties has delayed Friday's post till Monday. We will start with a great message from our 'Most Interesting Man' Westy who submitted the following. Very appropriate for our group in my opinion. Tee Times As many have learned by experience, Tuesday and Wednesday have been packed and we take off as soon as group ahead has cleared. A 10:06 tee times is just our 'official' tee time. We ALWAYS start sooner on Tues and Weds. PLEASE be checked in by 9:45 or let someone know you are here or are on your way. With that many people we need to organize ASAP. Tues., Weds., Thurs. all 10:06 Friday is 9:10 Your cooperation is appreciated. Doc at the Ballpark Doc picked a great day to take in the Cardinals last Thursday, witnessing a grand slam by you know who. Doc was captured on t...

Thurs August 18

 Tee Time Tomorrow 9:10 Thursday Results

Wednesday Aug 17

 Wednesday Results We will start with a new contest. Today's version is called Name That Bud's Boy We will show a picture and give a clue. First person to correctly identify the mystery person and post in comments wins today's prize listed below. This always nifty dresser is sporting his new birthday socks. Name that Bud's Boy! First place winner gets his own pair of yellow socks. Second place gets 2 pair.  Rodney wins Champion Golfer of the Day. An even par round of 73 that includes 4 birdies results in a +9 and 36 points, both game bests. Oddly, according to his teammates, he didn't think he hit a single good shot. Good show Rodney. Certainly makes you a favorite in the upcoming BB's year end tournament. Josh just edged Rodney for CTP honors. Unfortunately, Rodney received little or no help from his mates, leaving them shut out of the money. Brandon on N0. 5 KeyZ on 13 Allen on 14 Champion Golfer of the Day Holding Court

August 12 Plus T Times

 Friday Results, Tee Times, Other Stuff A few things in mind as I spend another day doing mostly nothing. We will start with this week's tee times. Thanks to Glen for taking the baton in the race for morning tee times.  10:06 Tues, Weds, Thurs. Remember Tuesday is usually a big number, and we often start early. Please be very early or give someone a heads up. 9:10 Friday White Kight Day (Wear White) Random Ramblings From Raymond with the caption, "You can fool a goose, but not a white heron!" From Jeff with the caption, "Clint paying Raymond." Shame on the anonymous person who said Jeff should stand on a box next time as I resemble that remark. The older I get the more little things amuse me department Let me remind readers to read the comments. Shelly never laughs at any of my writings, so when she laughs while reading the blog, I know she is reading the comments. Anyway, an anonymous commenter (who wears a lot of yellow) mentioned something suggestive about me...

Thursday August 11

 Thursday Results First off, thanks for the texts of encouragement. Last night and today much improved. Play fair, play nice, and putt 'em out.