Monday August 22

 Late Weekend Edition

Tee Times, White Kight Friday, Other Tourney Results, and Doc goes to the Ballpark

A weekend that included 54 holes of golf (some stressful), Football Friday, a wedding, and normal duties has delayed Friday's post till Monday. We will start with a great message from our 'Most Interesting Man' Westy who submitted the following. Very appropriate for our group in my opinion.

Tee Times

As many have learned by experience, Tuesday and Wednesday have been packed and we take off as soon as group ahead has cleared. A 10:06 tee times is just our 'official' tee time. We ALWAYS start sooner on Tues and Weds. PLEASE be checked in by 9:45 or let someone know you are here or are on your way. With that many people we need to organize ASAP.

Tues., Weds., Thurs. all 10:06

Friday is 9:10

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Doc at the Ballpark

Doc picked a great day to take in the Cardinals last Thursday, witnessing a grand slam by you know who.

Doc was captured on the Jumbo Tron and didn't choke.

Best of all, he was sporting our new glow in the dark BB's hat which should be available to all by Christmas.

SEMO Seniors- Kennett

Only 3 BB's made the long trek south to challenge Kennett Hills CC. Congrats to Denny B 4th place ($35) and Leroy 5th ($25). Gary did not place but shed no tears for him as you are about to see.

 Jacks n Jennies- Kimbeland

Big weekend for a few BB's and their Bud's Gals. Allen wins a $270 skin with a Sunday birdie on 6. 
Tom double dips with 93 Biscuit bucks (tie-5th) to go with a $353 skin, thanks to an afternoon eagle on 13. Of course, Allen and Tom have to share these prizes with their Jennies. The biggest winners of the whole tournament goes to Gary and Kathy. Tie for 3rd worth 220 B Bucks and 540 cash for 2 morning  skins (Eagle 13, birdie 17). Only 1 of over 100 teams entered were deemed cheaters at the end of the day. Randy and Shelly won C flight but were over the allowable limit of improvement (sandbagging), 'bumping' them to B flight. They were basically fined $200 as their winnings were cut from $410 (1st C) to $208 (tie-2nd B). In fairness to Shelly, I played so badly Saturday that it shocked her out of her own game resulting in a high score and a Sunday morning t-time. We played much better Sunday but had to pay for our Saturday sins. (Check with Tom, who witnessed our bad play, if you want details as I am erasing the memory as we speak.)

Correction Corner

As some of you know, I had a recent bout with the virus. I lost my sense of smell and taste and apparently my sense of math. It seems that Kimbeland is a par 35-37-72 course. How this fact escaped me last week can be attributed, as Brandon suggested, to Covid Brain. So let me correct last week's report. Rodney shot an even par 72 on Wednesday. Credit where credit is due. 

Thanks to everyone for their concern over my illness. It was difficult at times. In fact, something Shelly and I usually do 4 to 6 times a week, we could only do twice. And not for as long as usual. But time has given me enough strength that we have resumed our walks around the neighborhood at regular lengths.

White Kight Friday

 Everyone donned their whites to celebrate White Kight Day. Leroy, unable to attend, left a new pack of cards for Scott to use for his duties as team drawing card master. Naturally, Billie Jo couldn't make it but was kind enough to send a message.

"Scott, you can pick my card anytime!"

Friday Game Results

Butch won CTP, Medalist, and stuck this shot in on number 8 for good measure.


  1. Congrats to everyone in the J&J tournament we now Randy is an official SANDBAGGER πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†, By the way it's dam hot in FL

  2. Winner winner gurney dinner !! Big winners this weekend . Good going ! Doc

    1. Correction : Turkey dinner ! πŸ‘€


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