Wednesday Aug 17

 Wednesday Results

We will start with a new contest. Today's version is called

Name That Bud's Boy

We will show a picture and give a clue. First person to correctly identify the mystery person and post in comments wins today's prize listed below.

This always nifty dresser is sporting his new birthday socks. Name that Bud's Boy! First place winner gets his own pair of yellow socks. Second place gets 2 pair. 

Rodney wins Champion Golfer of the Day. An even par round of 73 that includes 4 birdies results in a +9 and 36 points, both game bests. Oddly, according to his teammates, he didn't think he hit a single good shot. Good show Rodney. Certainly makes you a favorite in the upcoming BB's year end tournament. Josh just edged Rodney for CTP honors. Unfortunately, Rodney received little or no help from his mates, leaving them shut out of the money.

Brandon on N0. 5

KeyZ on 13

Allen on 14

Champion Golfer of the Day Holding Court


  1. LeeeeRoy is a cool dude in yellow !! It was a pleasure watching Rodney play well today !


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