
Showing posts from February, 2022

February 2022 Review

  As the sun sets on the month of February, the words that come to my mind are simple. Good Riddance! Even though Monday is the last day of the month, I am going to heed the advice of our on-course reporters Doc (who provided above picture and 2 below) and Deano and not plan on playing that day. It seems the course needs a clean-up that may take a few days.  Nearly all pine trees damaged, many, many limbs to be picked up. It wasn't enough to be hit by the rain, (photos by Raymond) or the snow (Sorry Billie Jo, course is closed), but we had to be slammed with the ice. Throw in this Florida nugget from Floyd, and it is easy to understand our frustration. By the way Floyd, I am sure I speak for all Bud's Boys when I say I hope this shot sleeps with the gators. Bragger. So, in anticipation of not  playing Monday, here is the very brief February review. We had 4 days of play (same as 2021). Played on the 1st, waited 2 weeks, 2 more days played. Another 5-day break and our last...

2'sday 2-22-22

Monday's Round  Although the temperature hovered around 60, another cloudy, gusty wind kind of a day greeted 14 Bud's Boys on Monday. Combine the weather with the very soft ground conditions limiting our distance and you have a recipe for our group numbers dropping once again. Kudos to our Medalist Jeff with +4, Butch +3 and Shelly +2, the only three to see their number go up. Scoring was very tough on the front as the group stumbled to finish at -31. Back 9 numbers rebounded to a +2, which made me a little curious. With extra time on this rainy day, I took a closer look. My findings a little later in the blog. Scott, Butch, Andy, and Shelly handily won the front (-1), and scored well enough on the back to hang on to the total to win 2 shares. The back was very close with Rodney, Leroy, Jeff, and Randy prevailing with +3. Mikey gets his teams entry fee back with his 2nd CTP of the year. Other news and highlights from the round include: Leroy had a terrible start but explained a...

Presidents Day

 Happy Presidents Day everyone! All of us here at Bud's Boys hope you celebrated in a fun way and enjoy your new furniture. This was indeed Presidents Day 2022, but do you know what happened on Feb 20, 1792? George Washington signed an act creating the United States Post Office. On Feb 21, 1792, Post Office employees demanded more holidays, which explains why today's blog will be delivered tomorrow. As a former postal employee, I can't work today unless I get double time. And as my fellow postal brothers Andy and Leroy will confirm, it is not in Bud's Boys budget at this time. So, please check in tomorrow for recap of Mondays action. 

Wed Feb 16

 Jeff's Back! (And Stan) For the first time since Dec 14, Jeff and Stan joined the group for golf today, making their 2022 debut. While Stan has joined us at the club for social get togethers, Jeff has been down in sunny Florida for 2 months. (Something to do with community service is the rumor.) They chose a heck of a day to return with no sun and winds constant at 15-20 mph. Check out the straining flags on 7 and 10.  Despite the difficult conditions, 15 determined players teed off shortly after 10 o'clock. Leroy was supposed to be our 16th but had trouble getting out of the house. Most of us golfers have heard the old saying "The wind does not affect a well struck golf ball". Well, I am here to tell you that all evidence points to very few well struck shots today. The group finished a miserable minus 57, an average of almost -4 per player (13 dropped a point).   Of course, everyone is playing in the same conditions and as Mikey likes to say, "Just suck it up b...

Tues Feb 15

 Golf Returns to Kimbeland! This was the scene in downtown Jackson moments after the announcement that Kimbeland would be open for golf after a two-week shutdown due to ice and snow. Twelve Bud's Boys arrived early to sign in, including Dean making his first 2022 start. (Tom had to play cards and Leroy had to shop for discount valentine's candy. Priority check?) You can see the excitement and anticipation in their faces. Well, maybe excitement is a poor description. Anyway, four 3-man teams headed to the 1st tee. As fate would have it, the cards placed our most seasoned veterans (my polite way of saying "oldest") on the same team. Would it be an "Old-Timers" day? Play, as expected was spotty. The 2-week layoff showed as the group ended the day at a collective -24. Three of the four teams failed to reach their point total. Only one team was able to fight off the rust and handle the windy conditions. Our "Super Seniors" Rodney, Dean, and Allen finish...

January 2022 Review

  This is the scene at Kimbeland Country Club today as reported by BB photographer Raymond. Is there hope for golf later this week? Luckily Kimbeland wasn't hit as hard as Doc's place as he received 2 feet of snow. Thanks for the photo, Doc. Anyway, fingers crossed for a fast melt and golf (soggy style) later this week. With no golf to report, I looked back at January's results and came up with this summary. We managed 10 days of golf (11 last Jan) for the month, 21 of our group playing 104 rounds. Scott and Glen led with 9 rounds, 8 by Tom, Randy and Mikey, Roger 7, Doc, Floyd, Gary 6, Raymond, Shelly and Andy 5.  Money wise (AND THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE PLAYING FOR), winners and losers as follows. In the plus column: Allen 12 Floyd  8 Tom 7  Rodney 7  Raymond 6  Rick 5  Roger 5  Glen 4  Leroy 3 Gary 2     In the not fortunate enough to win minus column (We should not refer to them as losers): Doc 11, Scott 10, Bob, Butch, Andy...

Tues Feb 1

 The Return of Norm! After a 7-week hiatus, Norm returns to make his first appearance of 2022. He only scored 19 points as he tried to shake off the rust. Two birdies, however, proves the veteran "Founding Father" still has some game in his golf bag. Temperatures reached into the 60's though some ground remained frozen.      Andy drills down to tee up on frozen No. 1 The warm temperature brought out 16 players, knowing this would be our last day for a while with winter storm warnings tomorrow. (Note to Allen: Invest in an alarm clock) Far and away the highlight of the round was the performance of teammates Rick and Josh on the back 9. They each scored 19 points with the aid of 5 birdies. Roger wins the "Ringo Luckiest Man" award as the non-contributing teammate who shares in the winnings. Obviously, they win the back, but also took total. Andy joins Rick and Josh as Medalist as they all reached +5. Those 3 also tied for most points (31) along with Raymond, Randy...