Wed Feb 16

 Jeff's Back! (And Stan)

For the first time since Dec 14, Jeff and Stan joined the group for golf today, making their 2022 debut. While Stan has joined us at the club for social get togethers, Jeff has been down in sunny Florida for 2 months. (Something to do with community service is the rumor.) They chose a heck of a day to return with no sun and winds constant at 15-20 mph. Check out the straining flags on 7 and 10. 

Despite the difficult conditions, 15 determined players teed off shortly after 10 o'clock. Leroy was supposed to be our 16th but had trouble getting out of the house.

Most of us golfers have heard the old saying "The wind does not affect a well struck golf ball". Well, I am here to tell you that all evidence points to very few well struck shots today. The group finished a miserable minus 57, an average of almost -4 per player (13 dropped a point).   Of course, everyone is playing in the same conditions and as Mikey likes to say, "Just suck it up buttercup". So, let's get to the day's highlights.

First off, Happy Birthday Norm! Norm celebrated his 79th birthday today by shooting his age. Unfortunately, he was only on 16 when he reached 79. Good try anyway. Scott enhanced his reputation as our best wind player by taking Medalist honors at +2, the only player in the plus column. Honorable mention to Jeff for reaching his points on the nose. These two performances won their team 2 of the 4 pots. Rick, Raymond, and Mikey were the best of the worst on the back winning with a minus 2. Bob picked a good time for his best shot of the day, securing the CTP, his first of the year.

With all the suspect scores, it would be very easy to poke fun at some of the less than sterling play today. But we don't do that sort of thing here at Bud's Boys. We refuse to make fun of, speak ill of, or
take advantage of someone's misfortune. As one member said just today, "It's just not right to kick a man when he's down." So instead, let me introduce a new feature in this edition.

I will share a report and you can decide whether to "Believe it or not".

Our protagonist is one of the best, if not the best, of our group. In fact, he scored 37 points the last time he teed up with us. Yet, after scoring 11 points in his first 6 holes (a respectable 1 over par), his score keeper posted these numbers on his next 6 holes: 0,0,0,0,1,0. Add 7 more on his last 6 holes for a total of, oh it doesn't really matter. Is this something I can believe? As it turns out, Ripley wouldn't even believe it which proves he is not a golfer. Golfers know better, this can happen anytime to anyone. In keeping with our policy, I will not mention any names here. Best to keep his anonymity. And don't ask Andy or Allen (teammates) who it was, they will never reveal his name. Results below.


  1. I get it! Picture of Jeff's back! So you want us to believe the person who holds the record for most points in a round now holds another record? Most negative points in a round?

  2. Looks like Jeff is holding something!


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