Sunday November 17

Buds Boy's Weekly Review

Box scores of this week's golf action and a question for the group.

The question is about our mulligan fund. We have raised a tidy sum of 40+thus far. Really interesting to see some of our players true nature come out when they play a tee shot they normally wouldn't just to save a quarter. Also very neat that on a few occasions players were devastated to find their 1st tee shot right down the middle after paying a quarter for a mulligan because no one on their team could see that first drive.

Anyway, the fund started in an attempt to raise money for Dusty and the crew. The question is, "Do we continue for this cause, or do we want to spend it on ourselves and just take donations as usual for the groundskeepers?"

We could use it for a special golf event, food or drink, or any other idea we come up with. 

Just a thought, makes no never mind to me.

Monday Nov 11

Our first Monday play this fall was a lightly attended day. Eight players teed off and conditions were such that no player managed a plus score.

Jeff, Randy, and Scott tie for Medalist with scores of Even.

Leroy smokes a cigar, a Veterans Day gift from Jeff, before teeing off.

Doc, Shelly, Jeff, and Leroy sweep all 5 events with Shelly winning her 6th CTP of the year.

Tuesday Nov 12

Perfect number of 15 for Random Skin Day. Butch, Doc, and Bob tie for Medalist at +2.

Tom wins CTP again and Doc chips in for birdie on #2 to win the Skin.

Thurs Nov 14

After a day of rain, play resumed for Medalist Thursday. Randy's +5 edges Scott's +3 to earn Medalist honors.

Glen wins his 14th CTP and KZ, Scott, and Doc sweep the FBT.

Friday Nov 15

Some fine Friday shooting by the gang as Doc and Bob both check in with +5'd. Glen and Jeff tally +3's and Tom adds a +2 in addition to winning his 24th CTP of the 2024 campaign.

Doc birdies 11,12, and 13 with help from this #12 tee shot.


  1. Thanks again , Randy for weekly wrap up . I would kindly suggest we give to Dusty and any other donations we would like to make personally . Then - restart fund for all the other possibilities . The course condition is the best since Dusty arrived . Thank you . Doc


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