Tuesday September 3

Tee Time Alert

I will have several reminders, but next Tuesday (Sept 10) our Tee Time will be 9:20ish. Set your alarms a little earlier.

Tuesday Sept 3

The first playing day in September saw 15 BB's participate in perfect weather conditions. Scoring reflected the mild conditions with 4 of the 5 teams finishing on the plus side of the ledger.

Good news in that Roger comes off the injured list to join the action for the first time since July 10.

Teammates Dennis and Leroy both card a double-jump +6 to share Medalist honors and easily sweep the FBT.

Tom stretches his lead with another CTP.

Randy's birdie on 1 wins the Skin.


  1. The magic is not about how much you play or where you play. It's all about who you play with!!!!!!


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