Sunday August 25
Bud's Boys Weekend Wrap
Tuesday August 20
What do the numbers 17, 68, 78, 9, 140, 6, and .055 have in common?
Answer: They all play a part in today's Random Skin round of BB's golf. Let me try to dissect the above 'random numbers'.
A total of '17' BB's arrived with invitations to today's birthday party.
The 68 and 78 are easy as we acknowledge the birthdays of Rick and KZ. To celebrate their new respective ages, extra contests were held on holes 6,7, and 8.
Tom claimed the CTP on hole #6 for his team and Floyd kept his team from a total loss on the day by claiming the CTP on #8.
Doc, Miles, Leroy, and Jeff claimed the best scoring average on hole #7. This just added to their regular winnings when they romped to victory on the Front 9 with a blazing +11 1/2 and a Total of +8. Doc's 9th CTP topped off their big pile of cash.
Tom, Gerald, and Rodney claimed the rest of the prize money by winning the Back 9 and the Random Skin, which brings in the rest of the strange collection of numbers listed at the beginning of the story.
The odds of a particular hole being selected for random skins is, of course, 1 in 18, or .055 percent. The odds that your particular hole is chosen (#'9' in this case) after you hit a '6'-iron '140' yards that ends up at the bottom of the cup must be astronomical. Yet that is exactly what happened when Gerald found his ball.
Sometimes the cards turn exactly the way they should. That Jeff shouted "birdie!" when the 9 was revealed only made it sweeter when trumped by Gerald's eagle.
Thanks Rick and KZ for hosting a great Party!
Wednesday August 21
KZ showed no birthday hangover by shooting a Medalist (his 11th) best +6 to lead his team to a FBT sweep. He then fills a straight on his last card to also claim The Weds. Card Game.
Glen wins the CTP to block the clean sweep.
Thursday 8/22
Allen wins Medalist Honors on Medalist Day, enough for his team to also win the Front 9.
KZ continues to enjoy his birthday week with the CTP and Back 9 and Total victories with Butch and Bob.
Before we get to the results of today's thrilling action, we must share the news of our latest Bud's Boy rising in the ranks.
For his bravery exhibited during his travels this summer in Africa, Butch has been bestowed the title of 'Bwana Butch' and becomes the official 'Tribal Chief' of Bud's Boys effective immediately. His duties will include anything to do with hexes, voodoo, or international travel.
On to today's play.
Putts were dropping from everywhere and often as the group went scoring wild. Scores were so good that Keith's +5, normally Medalist material, ranked 6th out of the 14 who played. Let's count down the top 5.
Rodney and Doc finish with +6's. They double jump but reap no rewards today.
Randy scores 5 birdies in his +7 37 points.
Tom also has 5 birdies, all on the Back 9 with no bogeys. That's a 5-under 23 points for 9 holes, part of his +7 40 points.
Their birdies don't win any of the FBT but do catch the Friday Rabbit.
Today's Medalist reached a rare height, a stunning +13.
All credit to Bill who had his points for the whole day when he stepped off the 9th green. His 27-point performance leads Leroy and Mikey to the FBT sweep. Post round, Bill was quick to give credit to his teammates. "With Leroy's wisdom and Mikey's example of patience, I believe this to be my best round this season!" Way to go Bill, hope it carries over to next week down in Dexter.
As I type this Sunday morning, I have not heard anything on Gerald's status since this text on Friday.
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