Sunday July 21


The rain eventually won out on Tuesday and Wednesday as several holes were played both days before the group surrendered to the elements.

Thursday, however, greeted BB's with lower temps and great conditions for the fifteen golfers present for Medalist Day. 

Tom's 1-under par 37 points leads his team to a FBT sweep.

Randy wins the CTP.

The chase for Medalist resulted in a first time ever 5-way tie. Leroy, Dean, Tom, Bob, and Bill all finished 1 point short of the double jump +6. (I'm sure no one laid off at the end.) It was agreed to break the tie in typical BB's fashion, by cutting high card. Bill's King wins the cash for his team.

Red team crosses 5,6,10 off their list in Bingo action. White and Blue teams drop birdies on 8 and 6 for their teams.

Friday Play

Biggest turnout of the week on an unusually mild July day saw 18 BB's tee off. The winners were spread out as 4 of the 5 teams won an event. Unfortunately for Bill, his team was the lone loser. You have to go all the way back to April 25th to find a $0 on Bill's ledger. Due to an unfortunate run of luck physically, his streak was a modest 10 games but none the less impressive. Speaking of streaks, today's win puts Glen at 11, the best run currently active.

Shelly wins Medalist with a double jump +8, good enough for her team to win the Front 9 with +10.

Scott (+4) and Rodney (+3) lead their team to a +8 Back 9, good for the victory.

Allen's +5 and Tom's 2nd straight day of 37 points is enough for their team to earn the Total. Allen also wins his 5th CTP.

Birdies on 2,5,7, and 9 snare the Rabbit for Brian, Jeff, Randy, and Bob.

Bingo Update

Although several birdies were recorded, Friday was the first day that none of the teams crossed off a needed hole.

Bud's Boys Off the Course

A couple of tid-bits about our interesting group.

I watched Butch and Linda make a presentation of their African Mission Trip at Shelly's Church Wednesday evening. A tip of the cap to both as they were able to convey the reality and importance of their trip to those in attendance. Butch had the kids under his spell as he held their attention the entire time, not an easy feat. (Although his version of his encounter with the above pictured rhino was tamer than the one I posted.)

Westy, always looking to expand his experiences, is attending an art class and is already exhibiting his natural skill. I feel I must share one of his first offerings.



  1. Good going ,Butch ! Westy ‘s got skills - nice . Doc

    1. Thanks guys! Never stop learning!


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