Sunday June 9

Bud's Boys Weekend Wrap

Friday June 7

The Boys ended the week with an 11-man event with 'The Rabbit' as the Play of the Day.

Allen predicted a sweep for his team in an effort to stop KZ's incredible streak.

Allen's teammate Raymond did his part (Co-Medalist +3) but his par on 14 to snare a limping Rabbit was the only victory for the team.

KZ gave his opponents a chance with an unusual -4 performance, but teammates Leroy (+1) and Shelly (Co-Medalist +3) picked up the slack to win the Front and Total outright and a half share of the Back to stretch the streak to 18.

Gerald stuck the CTP on 18 to give each team a slice of the money.

Everyone's a winner!

With sadness I report the loss of Doc's, in his words, "amazing big sister." Tough times for Doc's family right now.

Add to that some news I just heard concerning the loss of a member of the group that tees off in front of us and it tells me it may be time for a reminder. 

Nothing we don't already know or haven't read here several times previously but here is the reminder.

Every day we play is a privilege.

Every one of us has things going on outside of the course that can weigh on the mind. Treat others like you would like to be.

Do your best not to let bad play, or more accurately your reaction to bad play, lessen the enjoyment of those around you. 

Likewise, be courteous to your foursome in regard to etiquette and any general other common sense situations.

Something I just read may fit as well. It goes something like this.

"Unfortunately, people seem to listen these days not to understand, but to reply." 

After watching some Kimbeland doings outside of our group recently, I think this is great advice to be more understanding.

Remember Floyd's Fish Fry is coming up soon (June 22). Let's start practicing our good behavior. 


  1. Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers . Doc


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