Sunday June 2

Bud's Boys News & Views

Welcome to June, nearly halfway through 2024 already. Past week results plus a review of a soggy month of May today but we will start with some SEMO Senior news from the Perryville Tournament.

Bill runs away with the 'Older Group 3' division with a net 61 for a 4-stroke victory. Bill immediately gave all credit to his rounds this month with the BB's. "No question, playing with such talented golfers has inspired me to reach back a little further and give it my all!"

Gerald manages the tricky Perryville greens well enough to grab a 6th place finish in the 'Older Group 2' division. 

The most exciting round, however, had to belong to Leroy. Facing his 3rd shot on the par 5 #1 hole, he struck his 8 iron from 160 yards, (or was it a 6 iron from 80 yards?), anyway, when he reached the green, he confirmed that 'The eagle had landed'!

Yes, the 2 blue dots Titleist was in the jar.

With the eagle penciled onto the scorecard, Leroy had the field, in his own words, "Right where I wanted them". 

Unfortunately for Leroy he finished his last two holes with what golfers refer to as a 'Wendy's Menu'. To you non-golfers, that's a double and a triple. As in bogey.

Still, he had scored well enough to hold on to a respectable 3rd in the 'Super Senior 1' flight. 

Congrats to our 3 winners.

Thursday May 30

Fourteen BB's attended Floyd's 73rd birthday party. 

Floyd's goal was to shoot his age by scoring a 73, which he succeeded in doing. His teammates convinced him to keep playing, however, so he finished the last 3 holes.

Though Floyd's team played very well, we continued the trend of one team sweeping the FBT. Led by KZ's Thursday Medalist best +8 and Glen's +6 (a 2-under par 38 points), Bill and Jeff take all 5 events when Glen edges Doc for the CTP.

Thanks, Karen, for supplying the cake for post round enjoyment.

Friday May 31

Another birthday party, this time Brandon is the honoree. He gifted himself with a career best 2-under par 33 on the Front for 20 points.

This team spoiled Brandon's party somewhat by besting that 10 1/2 with a +12 to win the Front led by Allen who finished the day as Medalist (+9).

KZ finishes the Month of May undefeated as he stretched his record win streak to 15 when his team claims the Back and Total.

Jeff wins the CTP.

Brandon salvages something for his team when his birdie on #9 snares the Rabbit.

Brandon had 2 side games for his 42nd BD. His own team wins hole #2 with an even par score and Raymond, Allen, Doc and Jeff win hole #4 with a 1-under team score.

May Review

We only played 12 days in May compared to 17 last year, the weather really doing a number on the course.

Twenty-six players played 172 rounds for a 14 a day average.

Eleven different players won a CTP with Tom the only player with 2.

KZ was a 3-time Medalist with Raymond and Allen claiming 2.

Bill likely set some kind of record for money winning. His $95 dollars for 1 month is not a record but collecting that much in only 6 days probably is. Perhaps a 'King Midas' award or maybe the 'Milburn Drysdale' award for you Beverly Hillbilly fans.

KZ was next on the money list with $93 with Jeff's $60 and Glen's $55 much further back.

May Honor Roll

Bob +10 5/24
Jeff +9 5/2
KZ +9 5/21
Roger +9 5/22
Allen+9 5/31

Glen 38 points 5/30
Tom 37 points5/22
 Glen 37 points 5/29

Many players showed big gains during the month. Raymond progressed from a 24 to a 27 at month's end. Glen also advanced 3 (31- to 34).
The biggest jumps were by Jeff, a sandy 22 up to 27. Allen going from 20 to 25 and of course KZ from 13 to 18.

The scoring got crazy high during the month with 3 team scores of 20 or better.

A plus 16 and a plus 15 were both losers in a couple of instances.

A plus 13 on the Back lost by 2 for goodness sakes. What is going on?

This leads to the following controversial decision made by the super-secret committee on a trial basis.

Any score of +6 or better will result in a 2-point advance on your handicap as we believe it to be a truer representation of the players ability. This is a one-way street as a similar performance in the opposite direction could be considered tanking and we will not go for that.

Now do not get your feathers in a ruffle as I have stated this to be a trial run. I would be very happy to move up 2 after Tuesday play so I could complain (brag) about how I have to move up 2 points. I'm guessing you would too.


  1. Great blog , Randy ! I am happy whatever group decides but will be fun to see how handicaps fluctuate with new format . I would ex static to move up two also . 👏👏Doc

  2. Which hole was that ball in the tree on, Floyd???


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