Weds May 1

Results From Tues April 30

The last day of April was a challenge to the 12 BB's participating Tuesday.
Only Butch saw his hcp number rise. Yes, that means he was today's Medalist at +2. Unfortunately, his team let him down as they were the only team not to win an event. But Butch was still the Medalist.

Rick wins the CTP, Dean scores 18 points on Front to lead his team to victory in that event. His birdie on 9 wins the Random Skin. And Butch is still the Medalist.

Weds May 1

Raymond brushes off an April slump and starts May with a 31-point Medalist best +7. Great backup from Rodney (+5) allows them to sweep the FBT.

Clint wins the CTP to give his team a victory. Butch, who was yesterday's Medalist, turns a full house on his last card to win the Card Game. A great move by yesterday's Medalist.

Good round turned in by Keith with a +4. So-so round (even) turned in by Butch, yesterday's Medalist.

Today was Randy and Shelly's 42nd Anniversary, so there was an added event. The Anniversary Challenge consisted of 4 hurdles each team had to clear.

No. 1 A 5 on hole 1. (5-1 as in May 1)

No. 2 A 4 on hole 2. (42nd year)

No. 3 A 2 on hole 4 (Again 42nd year)

No. 4 A 2 on No. 8 (We were married in 82)

The winning team wins a bucket of ice-cold beverages.

Team 1 (Glen, Scott, Allen, and Clint) is only team to clear the first 3 hurdles so they claimed the prize.


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