Weekend News 12/17


Only 8 Days till Christmas. 

Update on Bill's surgery. Not a lot of pain but limited mobility. 5 weeks to heal before Phys Therapy starts. Hang in Bill will see you soon we hope.

Rabbit Friday Results

Gary Is Medalist with +6. Leroy falls 1 short at +5.

Clint wins CTP. 

Birdies by KZ on 7 and Doc on 8 snare Rabbit for their team.

Jeff wins 'It's All About Your Teammates' award as Gary and Tom lift him and his -5 to 2 victories.

Tim stops by to visit.

Tim visited us on the course, expects to rejoin the group at start of new year!

CTP Race 

With only 9 more possible days of play remaining, here is the list of those who have not been mathematically eliminated.

Tom 18
Glen 16
Raymond 14
Bob 12
Doc 12
Randy 12
Clint 11
Jeff 9 (must win 9 in a row to tie Tom)

Fun With Numbers

In friendly conversation the subject of Bud's Boys dues has been brought up a few times. What would be the first thing you would say if I told you your BB's dues for 2024 would be $850.00? Hold on Sparky, keep your cool and let me show you the numbers.

If Scott plays a similar number of rounds next year, he will total about 170 rounds. At $5 a pop (our daily dues) that comes to $850. If he finishes the year (like 90% of the group) between $40 up or $40 down, he will win or lose less than a quarter a day. Either way, what a value for $850.

Someone like Roger who will play around 100 rounds, would pay $500 in 'Dues', and get back between $460 and $540 or plus or minus 40 cents per day.

In theory, the more you play the less you win or lose per round, but luck always plays a role. As the saying goes, however, you can't win if you don't play (and I don't mean money necessarily).


  1. Our dues are a true value . Worth every penny ( and then some ) . . Wishing all Bud’s Boys out there a blessed Merry Christmas !! And Bill
    - get well soon ( just like “Tim”) !! Doc

  2. Good picture “Tim” glad to see you out and about 😊😊

  3. Good to see your smiling face rodney, no this is not your lawn guy


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