Weds Dec 20

               Mid-Week Report


This smiling face is indeed Rodney (not Tim) as some readers have correctly informed me. He was in great spirits as his smile confirms and is eager to give it a try come January. To clear up any confusion, this was an inside joke. That is what happens when you don't play. You don't know what you can miss. Besides, we all can agree Rodney and Tim don't really look that much alike.

Monday Play

There was not a BB's match on Monday, but Raymond joined Mikey and his companion for 18 holes. Raymond correctly predicted Mikey would be there so he wouldn't have to play alone.


An official BB's event was played on Tuesday with 5 players.

Wolf was the game of the day and Randy was the wolf winner (8 quarters worth). Raymond, however, was the day's biggest winner by taking the CTP.

Wednesday Card Game 

Floyd Alert

Raymond wins 2nd straight CTP setting up his chance for a Floyd on Thursday. All hands on deck tomorrow, make him earn it.

(Editor's Note; There has been an official protest to the validity of Raymond's CTP on Tuesday. As you read this the super-secret committee is holding a hearing in the super-secret chambers hoping to resolve the issue before it goes upstairs to BB's Arbiter in Chief.)

Glen earns Medalist honors with a +5 37 points.

The FBT is a rare 3-way split. 

A Queen high flush wins the Card Game.

News Flash, This Just In

At 8:22 pm, Central Standard Time, the ruling on the protest of Raymond's Tuesday CTP has been handed down. It reads, "The SSC has rendered its decision. To those sniveling protesters who have asked that the CTP be nullified, here is your answer."

The CTP Stands!


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