For the second straight week, the group got 4 days of play in warm, sometimes windy conditions. I don't have any 'extras' to report so here are the results from Thursday and Friday.
Thursday-Medalist Day
The unfortunate owner of the ball above is Tom, whose drive ever so close to the green turned out to be not so useful. He did save a bogey, however.
That shot was not typical for Tom on this day as he had the hot hand going from the start. He had already birdied 1,3,5, and 8 when we reached our drives on #9 fairway. I hit my one good shot of the day, stopping my yellow ball about 4 feet from the hole.
Now, I have been known to embellish, or dare I say make up quotes from my fellow golfers. In this case there is no need to change Tom's exact words. "Good Shot! I would sure like to hit mine right next to yours."
Talk about calling your shot.
Mission Accomplished. He birdied that hole and 2 more on the back to finish a 3-under 69 and tie Roger for Medalist honors at +6.
Tom also wins his second CTP in a row to set up his pressure packed tee shot on 18 tomorrow in his quest to tie Butch and Floyd for a 3-peat.
Nice rounds also turned in by Keith and Brandon with +4's.
Long Drive of the Day
Scott shows us how far inside the 150-marker he is after his drive on #1.
Friday Results
Butch had painting chores scheduled today but could not ignore his duty of protecting the 'Floyd', an honor only he and Floyd can claim.
As the story goes, he got all his painting supplies out and ready to go when he explained to his boss (wife), "I have one piece of business to take care of, be back soon!" After a good 17 holes, he stepped up #18 tee and carved his tee shot through the strong wind to a tasty 5-6 feet from the cup. Tom would certainly have to earn it if he was to better that shot.
Butch immediately trotted off the green and as he climbed on the bus to head home, he turned back and said 'I'm not sure that Tom is worthy enough to share this honor with Floyd, much less with myself. Got to run!" And with that he left in a cloud of dust (or bus smoke), his assignment completed. It was now up to Tom, in the last group, knowing what he had to do. Not confident in his club selection in the gusting win, his swing, though on line, lacked the distance in coming up short of Butch's position.
Don't mess with Butch.
In the regular game, Glen (Medalist +4), Scott, and John take 3 and 1/2 of the other 4 events to claim 'Money Hogs' status for the day.
The week is over, see everyone Tuesday.
Holy crap kightdaddy....who is this Roger guy that keeps showing off? Did John really get there early enough to be in first group?