Monday 8/21/23

Upcoming Week Notes, BB's in the J&J, Friday Results and More!

This week Notes

Tee Times start at 9:50 every day.

Heat index will be brutal. We must be sensible about this. Raymond has already suggested '9 & dine'. I have thoughts about an 11-hole event or a 12-hole event. Depending on how many show on Tuesday, surely we can plan a reasonable event.

Bud's Boys at the Jack's & Jennie's

For those curious how the boys did this weekend, Tom, Westy, and Floyd were the big winners $$$$. Here is the rundown.


Jeff & Andrea      66 69   T-9

A Flight

Randy & Shelly    69 68   T-7   $16.76

B Flight

Gary & Kathy       71 74   T-17
Dean & Gail         72 74   T-19
Westy & Anita      72 75   T-22  Won $240 skin Sunday
Delbert & Joan     72 80   T-25

C Flight

Tom & Harriet      73 68   First Place  $550
Floyd & Karen     75 70    T-7   $50.00 plus Won $100.00 skin Sunday
Scott & Cathy      75 73    T-13
Allen & Donna     77 85    15

The heat index was overwhelming for a 5-hour round. Hope everyone recovers, ready to go this week.

Final note on the tourney. Shelly and I were having a great 2nd day, -8 for the tournament, tied for 3rd, with 2 holes to play. A double-bogey on #8 (water) and a bogey on #9 (sand) to finish, pushed us down to a T-7 and cost us about $225. This is something that not so long ago would have ruined my next several days, something I couldn't get off my mind. Now, with what is going on with some people in our circle of friends, it seems so unimportant. Just going to appreciate the chance to play and put us in a situation to come through or to fail. Fun either way. Of course, I am a golfer, so if you ask me about 8 & 9, I will still whine about it, but not dwell.

Old Curmudgeon Corner

Nice article in the Missourian about a local's memories of Babe Ruth baseball.

This leads to today's rant. The above is the only time a ball cap should be worn backwards. Yes, the younger generation changed that several years ago. But please, you older guys who try to pull it off? It ain't working. You look foolish.

We use this as a baseball segue to our next story. Did you know Leroy, in his younger days, was a standout player. Let me turn it over to Leroy himself.

" I bet you guys didn't know that when I was much, much younger, that I was quite the ballplayer in the Old Appleton area. Word had spread of my unique ability, so much so that the Cardinals sent a scout to watch me play. And did you know that after watching me play, they said they would like to sign me for $1,000 dollars. Unfortunately, I didn't have that much money to give them, so I passed."

Friday Play

Eleven players pretty much got their money back as all 3 teams won something.

Doc is back in the CTP race as he wins his 3rd this month.

Leroy and Scott are Co-Medalists at +4.

Glen's 3 birdies on the Front wins the Rabbit.


  1. Randy - we all look forward eagerly to your blog . Thank you . Also - you nailed it on attitude . We are blessed to be so fortunate to play with such a great group . Honestly 👏👏👏Doc( chief photographer)

  2. Well finally recovered from the Sunday afternoon fiasco of trying to play golf in heat killing weather!! Especially if ur my age!!😂!! Gail & I played with a really nice couple from Jeff City & they were very complimentary of our course!! The cold bottles of water were much appreciated from the club👍🏻. Randy u r so right about the attitude of playing this frustrating game…it’s just that…a game & one should b thankful to b able to play as often as we do. Keep up the great job with the blog 🤩🏌️‍♂️. DEANO


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