Friday 3/17 Results
St Pat's Results- Birdie Bingo Team Selection Process
I'll bet most of you assumed there would not be any action to report Friday, but you would be wrong. A Frosty Fivesome of BB's teed off in an 'every man for himself' match.
Tom's high point total of 28 (equaling the wind chill temp) earned him a 1/3 of the Front.
Co-Medalists Mikey and Raymond tied Back and Total along with the other 2/3's of the Front.
Mikey wins another CTP to earn title of St. Pat's Money Hog.
Birdie Bingo Team Selection
We have 14 paid entrants with more to come, so here is how the teams will be chosen. Number of players will determine if we have 3, 4, or maybe 5 teams. Regardless of the # of teams, here is the process.
1. The handicap numbers at the end of Friday March 31 will be used to determine teams with play starting Monday (or Tuesday if closed).
2. We start with the highest #'s and fill in the teams in that order using the so-called serpentine system to even the teams as much as possible.
Let's use 8 former golfing greats as an example of a 4 team draft. Here are the players and their hcp #.
Nicklaus has the highest number so he is selected 1st.
The 2nd highest # is a tie between Palmer and Player and we will break all ties by alphabetic order, thus Palmer goes 2nd.
We finish the first row.
Now we start the 2nd row in serpentine order.
Another tie puts Hayden placed before Hill. Then we continue placing players as shown, until all players are placed. The teams will fall as they may, no funny stuff from the administrator.
If this is clear as mud do not worry. We will have a special secret workshop for all who need some guidance before the 31st.
Thank you for doing the math on Bingo . In reality - l just want to play and have fun !! ( and win my dollar back from Jeff !!)