Thursday June 30
The last day of June brought out 15 of Bud's willing and able Boys. Two of today's players announced yesterday they would not play but reconsidered. Jeff because he was thrown out of the house. Dean couldn't remember why he wasn't coming today, but assured me that after today's -6, the reason is now clear.
Thurs Results
Mikey Medalist at +7. Honorable mention to Founding Fathers Andy and Norm at +6, and Allen +5. Special mention to Rodney's +4, despite playing last 14 holes with one less club than what he started with. Rest of the story revealed upon request. His team did win Back 9.
Andy showed some of the old magic with a solid day of ball striking, resulting in a game high even-par 36 points. His performance wins Front and Total for his team.
Bob chalks up his 4th CTP, his reaction to his putt gives away the result.
Other Highlights
Andy shoots 1 under on front, Mikey and Glen even par.
Andy, Randy, and Dennis M have no circles on their card, that doesn't have a number inside.
Almost Highlights
Rodney pars first 8 holes on back, before doubling 18.
Bob scores 13 points on his first 6 holes, 1 on next 3.
Leroy hits the ball very well today but does not score well. Call Brosey for explanation.
Fun With Numbers
Guess which hole was the easiest on the day, surrendering an even par 30 points?
Considering pin placements and such, can you guess the hardest, yielding only16?
Winning guess receives this valuable coupon.
Wow, that was fast, Allen has already claimed the prize.
Number 1 was the easiest, 5 more than runners up 11 and 18.
Number 12 was most difficult, one less than #9.
Heads Up for Next Wednesday
Raymond, Glen, Leroy, Gary, Bob, Clint, Randy, Bill, and a handful of our subs, will be in Dexter next Wednesday, representing BB's in SEMO Senior action. If the rest of you would like to enjoy a quiet, peaceful round of golf, make plans to play Wednesday. Scott has assured me he has a special game cooked up for those who show up.
Missing Person Post
Have you seen this man?
Last seen near Hot Water, Missouri.
Warning: Could be carrying a pool cue, or golf club, or guitar.
Any information should be posted in comments, please.
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