Tues May 24
Rammer Returns
The Rammer returned for a one-day engagement with his old group. Leroy said he really enjoyed his stories, especially the one about how he set the course record at his Florida club with a sizzling 62, and wrestling an alligator on the 18th green the same day. He joined 13 others as we toured 18 holes dotted by pin placements set by an obviously PO'd greenskeeper. Some interesting positioning of the holes must have been the reason for the poor scoring today. Only our Medalist Tom (+2) saw his number go up after completing the round. Hole 16 turned out to be toughest hole of the day, only because of pin placement. Situated at the cusp of the drop off, it yielded a mere 11 points. Take away Leroy's birdie (did not hear the details on that) and Clint's par, and the other 12 players combined for 6 points on 6 bogeys and 6 doubles. My group had a halfway up come back down putt. A from the top to the bottom, and a bottom to top, and then back down again. Rick, Bob, and Brandon's +1 easily wins front. Despite scoring zero points on 10, and only 9 through first 4 holes, they rallied to tie the back 9 with a -4 and taking total as well. Floyd wins CTP with his first since his "Floyd". He also had the shot of the day. Standing in the trap, with a devilish downhill run awaiting him.
Okay, that wasn't the shot of the day, it was the next one, which he holed. You'll have to take Scott's, Glen's and my word on that.
Rick displays his scars from searching for his ball on 13.
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