Thurs March 17

 St. Patrick's Day Results (and a note from Billie Jo)

Sixteen Bud's Boys garbed in green gravitated to the practice green gamely trying to groove their putting grip, guardedly glimpsing over their guts to see the grass. Gee, wasn't that fun. After the round everyone gathered outside to gloat, grumble, and guzzle away any gambling gains. So, let's get to what happened in between. 

Best Dressed Couple Award

Best dressed couple unanimously goes to Scott and Jeff.

Jeff claims he is wearing a kilt. (Reminds me of an episode of "King of the Hill" when Hank Hill walks into his 13-year old sons bedroom to catch him wearing a cheerleaders skirt. "Son, there better be a naked cheerleader hiding under your bed, or you have some explaining to do.")

On the course, Doc O'Milde, Roger O'Richmond and Andy Mcllroy grabbed all the green sweeping the front, back, and total. Glen gauged his shot well enough on 18 to win his 4th CTP in his last 6 outings.

Doc wins Medalist +8
Glen most points 36
Tom a +6 32 points from the Blue Tees
Marty's tee shot on 8 setting up a birdie

Note from Billie Jo

Hey Bud's Boys, so sorry to hear your course will be closed on Mondays. What a bummer. I myself have not been able to play Mondays. I use Mondays to clean and freshen up my Hoo-Hoo. You wouldn't think it could get that dirty in only a week. But, you got to do what you got to do. Oh, would you like to see a picture of my Hoo-Hoo?

Isn't Hoo-Hoo precious? He is a great companion, but man, he can get dirty when he goes outside.

Thank you Billie Jo for the consoling words. We will try to survive. By the way, we have a few 'dog' guys in our group. If you needed any help, I am sure they would volunteer to clean up your, well you get the idea. Hope to hear from you soon.


  1. Just a suggestion: could we have more pics of Billie Jo & less of the old farts?🏌️‍♂️πŸ‘πŸ»

  2. What a couple! Glad Scot wore the tie. Helps clarify things.


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