Mon March 28
Tonight's Blog Sponsored by Jackson Police Dept.
Thank you, Jackson PD, for looking out for our club and members!
First off, we are going to dispel some unfortunate rumors swirling around one of Bud's Boys after a small incident that ended up in our own parking lot. It is not true; I repeat not true that Big A was thrown in the Big House today.
Glen calmly explained the situation to the Jackson PD, who then thanked him for his composure, and appropriate response to the situation. Unfortunately, we did not get video of Glen's explanation to the P.D. However, Leroy, who witnessed the interview, gave us his reenactment of Glen's response.
Enough soap opera drama. Let's get to today's golf.
Today was our last Monday to play till winter. Thirteen players finished up the round, followed by some cold beverages and plenty of adult discussion.
Westy gets in a few practice swings on first tee.
Jeff was the MVP of the day as he took Medalist honors (+6), tied for most points (30), led his team to FBT sweep, and arranged bail money for Big A just in case. Honorable mention to Josh, Mikey, and Bob with +4. Shelly takes Special Edition CTP on hole 4 and Mikey edges out Glen (just not his day) for CTP on 18.
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