Sunday December 29

Merry Christmas and a Happy Hole-in-one. It was for John as he holed out on #12 while getting through the weather with Glen and Raymond last Monday. A very nice Christmas present for John. He joins Scott and Shelly (and anyone I have forgotten) as BB's with 2024 aces. Bud's Boys News Tid Bits Doc presented Dusty and the grounds crew with our Mulligan Fund plus the extra individual donations by the group shortly before Christmas. Doc says Dusty wants BB's to know how appreciative the crew are for our generous consideration. The last 2 official rounds we have played were Friday the 13th and Thursday the 19th. Glen won both of those CTP's so whenever we get to play again, he will be going for the Floyd. About playing again, tomorrow (Monday 12/30) would be an 11:00 tee time as usual. There are no official tee times again until Friday January 3rd when our official tee times start at 9:58. Tuesday through Thursday is open play so I suppose we will gather at the normal time...