Sunday April 30
Bud's Boys Weekend News It seems I have not posted as much lately and with not much content when I do. So, it seems logical that I should change the blog's name to "The Southeast Missourian". Maybe not. Did any of you blink and then notice our year is 1/3 over. April is ending, league play is starting at the club, men's and women's association tournaments begin this coming weekend. Warmer weather is bringing out more players. Golf is getting a little busier at KCC. This could be a good time to remind everyone about what makes our modest little group run fairly smoothly. Our mission is to provide an enjoyable 18 holes of golf for everyone playing that day. Ask yourself what you can contribute to the group to make that happen, the group is not here to accommodate you. Speaking of tournament play, SEMO Seniors held its first tourney of the year Monday at KCC. Although most BB's came out of the gate a little slow, we can proudly announce our lone first pla...