
Showing posts from April, 2023

Sunday April 30

 Bud's Boys Weekend News   It seems I have not posted as much lately and with not much content when I do. So, it seems logical that I should change the blog's name to "The Southeast Missourian". Maybe not. Did any of you blink and then notice our year is 1/3 over. April is ending, league play is starting at the club, men's and women's association tournaments begin this coming weekend. Warmer weather is bringing out more players. Golf is getting a little busier at KCC. This could be a good time to remind everyone about what makes our modest little group run fairly smoothly. Our mission is to provide an enjoyable 18 holes of golf for everyone playing that day. Ask yourself what you can contribute to the group to make that happen, the group is not here to accommodate you.  Speaking of tournament play, SEMO Seniors held its first tourney of the year Monday at KCC. Although most BB's came out of the gate a little slow, we can proudly announce our lone first pla...

Sunday April 23

Bud's Boys Weekend Update We have some tidbits of info to pass along including Thursday results, so away we go....... Tom elected to Kimbeland Board Thanks to everyone's help getting Tom elected. We now have 3 BB's on the board so I am sure the free post round drinks and food, reserved tables, preferred parking, and other perks will be coming soon to the group. Thursday Play We had 13 BB's in action. We played the Rabbit Thursday because of the correctly predicted Friday weather. Scott is Medalist with a modest +3, 1 up on Rodney and Tom. A 3-way tie on the front was settled the old fashioned way, flipping of coins. A 2-way tie on the back was split. Roger wins his 2nd CTP, edging out teammate Rodney Tom, Floyd, and Bob win the Rabbitt in overtime. Full scorecard below. Bingo Update The last few holes are causing problems as no gains made for 2nd straight day. CTP Fun Someone asked about the CTP race for the season, so I took a look, and this is how it stands just a few...

Wednesday April 19

 Tuesday and Wednesday Scores Tuesday The official Bud's Boys welcoming committee greets Scott on his return from Florida. Tom shoots 1-under par 71, good for 37 points and a +7 Medal, to lead his team to a Back and Total combo win. Rick's 31 points and +6 helps his team to a winning +6.5 Front. He also stuffs one in on 18 to earn the CTP. Wednesday Rick repeats his 31 from Tuesday, good for a +5 Medal, and a win on the Front. Teammate Bob takes CTP giving them 2 of today's events. Raymond and Westy each card a +3 for victories on Back and Total. Westy turns over 3 Aces in 6 cards for the Wacky Wednesday poker hand. No Bingo change as everyone whiffed on the needed holes.

Tuesday 4/18

Full recap of Tuesday play later this week. Here are Wednesday numbers and a Bingo update. Gophers solve #2 (nice chip in Raymond), only 3 remain (10,14,15). Beagles cross out #12, need 4 more (5,7,14,17). Turkeys down to 5 after Tom eliminates 5 & 11. Only 2,7,9,14,15 to go.

Sunday April 16

Friday Results Plus Week Review How do I describe the Tuesday through Friday weather? Let me start by saying that I doubt we will have 4 days in a row that perfect, pleasant, nice, enjoyable or whatever other adjective you can throw in, for the rest of the year. Sunny comfortable 70's all week. (Ironically, it is a blustery, cloudy 40 something degrees outside as I write this.) Very much hope I am wrong about that. Sorry that Scott and Raymond were out of town and missed the fun. No coincidence the good weather resulted in the biggest turn out for one week. We averaged right about 20 per day with 29 different individuals filling those spots. First time this year appearances of Floyd and Brian plus a first ever start for Shane B, Gerald's son. The excellent conditions certainly raised the point totals for the week. Taking most advantage were Bill, Glen, KZ, Doc, Mikey, and Bob who all saw their number go up 2 or better. Fun Five-dollar Friday Birthday Celebration For one day, we...

Thursday April 13

Throwback Thursday Ball found on the course today and given to our group. Yep, that's our Bud Man. Then look who shows up at post-game wrap-up, another Founding Father. Andy shows off the results of his new workout routine. Friday Reminder- Butch Birthday Celebration- Wear Green Thursday Game Notes KZ Medalist at +7, his team wins Front and Total. Tom wins another CTP. Plus 5's for Bill and Keith, +4 for Glen. Bingo Glen's Gophers down to only 5 holes, Bohn's Beagles need 6. Tom's Turkeys stalled at 8. With Doc gone today (Plumbing problems), Leroy takes over as course photographer and also provides the captions. The only 2 men to win 3 straight CTP's,........ and Roger. Moe Norman Smith ready to tee off. Now Shane, if you want to win in this group you need to be on Butch's team. (Oops, not today) "Butch, your cart is rolling away!"

Wednesday April 12

  Busy day for Bud's Boys. The return of Floyd from hibernation and Brian plays hooky from UPS to play their first BB's rounds of the year. Large total of 22 filled up 6 different teams. Scoring way up for the day. Keith takes CTP.  Doc wins Medalist with a +6. Other excellent performances include Gerald and Jeff +5, Glen, Delbert, Bill, Leroy, and Marty +4.  Rodney flushes the other teams to win the card game. Bingo  Each team again knocked off at least 1. Two teams down to 7, the other needs 8. Down to the wire we go.