
Showing posts from October, 2022

Weekend October 30

Friday Results, October Review, Tee Times plus Bud's Boys Fish Fry Details, Scotty Aces His Test   I hate to interrupt those working on their Monday night costumes, but we have a few things to cover in this issue, items past and future. As always you may skip parts 'Witch' do not interest you. Tee Times 10:00 Every Day! Fish Fry Monday November 7 If the course is open that day as scheduled, we will play 18 holes and then Tom is going to fry up some fish for us to enjoy. Bob, Scott, Jeff, Leroy, and Shelly are taking care of sides and miscellaneous. You Must Bring Your Own Beverages as Facilities are Closed! We need an accurate count, so Tom knows how much to fry up. I hear he hates to waste fish so please inform us if you are coming. October Review Hard to believe we have completed our October schedule. We only had 16 days available due to the month starting on a Saturday and ending on a Monday. We lost 1 day to a tournament and 2 to weather but managed 11 regular days and ...

Thurs October 27

 Bud's Boys News Save the Date- Next Weds Nov 2-Raymond BD Special Instead of Wacky Wednesday we will have a special game of Raymonds choosing. Par 5 proxy game, a round of drinks, and some food afterwards. Christmas For Grounds Crew Craig Wilson is collecting for Dusty and crew. Do we want to pass on to him or do our own? Think about it. Saturday Play Raymond has floated this idea and I would be on board (just not this week). If interested in the idea post a comment or let Raymond know. Thursday Results Tom shoots a 1-under 71 for 37 points and a Medalist winning +6, helping his team take the front. Teammate Jeff wins CTP landing 2 inches inside Doc's effort. Sorry Doc, but they brought out the tape. Great rounds also turned in by Leroy (+4), Mikey (+4), and Andy (+3). Tournament winner Scott, exhausted from accommodating so many media requests and TV appearances, limps in with a reverse medalist -10. Play was slowed today for a frost delay and 2 foursomes of guests clogging t...

Wednesday October 26

 Tee Times Update Tuesday through Friday tee times will all be at 10:00 until further notice.  Wednesday Results Tough scoring conditions allowed only 2 players to move up in handicap. Co-Medalists Bob and Doc (+2) drug Andy around the course to win the FBT. Glen adds to his league leading CTP total to prevent the sweep.

Weekend October 23

 Bud's Boys Champion Golfer of the Year Recap The first Bud's Boys Champion Golfer of the Year Tournament is in the books. From the reaction of the participants, it has to be considered a successful two days of golf. Though the weather didn't cooperate, greeting us with the coldest 2 mornings this season, both days ended in sunny and warm conditions. The novelty of trying something different at the end of the year seemed to raise our enthusiasm level just a tad, obviously leading to more entertaining discussions before and after the rounds. Sorry that timing and other circumstances (Too cold, really Dean?) kept many from playing and we hope next year to be even better. Day 1 Recap Our leader board looked like this after first round Mikey     +2 Brian       +2 Scott        +1 Roger       E Rodney    -2 Randy      -2 Brandon   -3 Keith        -3  Gary...

Thursday October 20

 Friday Tee Time 10:00 Friday Numbers Thursday Results Tournament fatigue limited todays group to only 5.