Sunday November 3
November Notes, Names, and Numbers A look back at the week's play and an October review but first a note on Monday play. Monday Golf is Back According to Doc, Monday golf is available starting tomorrow. I know our group will take advantage of this, but maybe not till next week. It seems all of us who played Friday have other things going this particular Monday, so I am not sure if anyone will show. You can always show up and see. Tuesday is election day so if you are running late just give someone a head's up and we will put you in. Tuesday 10/29 Randy is Medalist with a +5 and with help from KZ (+3), Raymond (+2), and Butch (coaching, cheering), they sweep the FBT. Randy's birdie on 17 also wins the Random Skin. Glen claims his 4th CTP in October to prevent the Royal Flush. Weds 10/30 Tough scoring on Halloween eve as all 4 teams finished in the minus category. Tom and Butch tie for Medalist honors with plus 2 and they win the Back and Total despite Jeff's -5. Bob wins